amplify the voices
of Eagle County
by registering, informing and educating voters.

vail valley votes is…
Vail Valley Votes is a group of local citizens who believe that voting is essential to preserving
a healthy democracy and protecting the rule of law. We encourage our Eagle County community to be informed voters, by getting to know our candidates for office and understanding issues on the ballot.
We register voters in high schools, on local college campuses and at community events and local businesses. Our newsletters and social media posts include important voting FAQ and election deadlines.
​Sign up for our newsletters or follow us on social media to keep up with election news and rules and deadlines.

vail valley votes – we travel!
Are you a school, organization or group that would like to help register voters?
Vail Valley Votes is an approved voter registration organization and hosts non-partisan voter registration drives throughout the valley. Want to learn more about co-hosting a voter registration event with us?
Email us at vailvalleyvotes@gmail.com for more information.
receive our emails
​Subscribe to our mailing list below. We periodically send emails, (about once a week during election season) that cover current issues, reminders about voting and elections, and opportunities for volunteering. We never share our email list!
Contact us anytime at vailvalleyvotes@gmail.com.